Thursday, December 31, 2015

Hello, 2016!

Hello, sweet friends! (and hello 2016!)

Greetings from the chilly yet always sunny state of Colorado!

I would love to sit down and tell you about all the ways 2015 has changed me and opened my eyes to amazing new insights and nuggets of wisdom--but as I sit here contemplating and re-hashing out 2015 in my mind, not much has changed. And then I realize I'm thinking internally and about my psycho-spiritual state;)
But when I think about my life externally, I realize almost everything has changed.

For starters, I moved out of my beloved pink palace apartment that I called home for 4 years, living solo, to living in 4 different houses all with different roommates. Each house and roommate were more than delightful and learning to live with others again came more natural than I supposed it would.

I moved all the way from my beloved state of Mississippi to the gorgeous foothills in colorful Colorado--all by myself. Which although was not the original plan, was exactly the way it was supposed to work out.

I quit my jobs in Mississippi and took off 5 weeks of work to FINALLY complete my 200 hour yoga teacher training certification with an international yoga teacher that I'd always wanted to study with but never in a million years thought would happen.

I traded in days spent indoors watching movies on my couch for hiking the rocky mountains and realized that although I've always said I loved the outdoors, I never really spent much time in them (except when I was a kid) until now.

I said goodbye to regularly seeing my beloved and cherished MS friends and hello to meeting new friends and forming new relationships.

I also said goodbye to my beloved "gwyn"--my 2000 Xterra (which was the only vehicle I had ever known) and bought a new car. I don't love the car payments but I do love the way she handles the snow.

I got a new nephew in June who has proven to be just as delightful as my old one;)

I could probably think of a few other big external events that occurred but I think that will suffice.

As far as my yoga goes... the beginning of 2015, I practiced more yoga on my mat--and now as '15 has faded away I realize that I've spent the past 6 months practicing more yoga off my mat.

The yoga I've practiced off my mat looks a lot like forgiveness, patience, trust, surrender, and grace.

The "lessons" that 2015 taught me weren't new. They are the same lessons that life teaches me every year really--in fact, more like everyday. Some of those lessons are: that you can't control who you love or why you love someone--and to quit trying to figure it all out. Just love them. And likewise, forgive them. Holding grudges and holding on to painful story lines don't serve us in the least. HOWEVER, learning how to truly forgive and let go is tough and sometimes seems impossible. There really is no formula for doing that--but I've learned, for me, that if I focus on the good and on the love I have for that person or situation MORE than on the ways they hurt me, eventually those painful feelings and frustrating emotions dissipate.

Another lesson is that people are people--regardless of what place they hold in the world or in your heart--they are just like you. They are capable of making really bad decisions (and really good decisions) and although their decisions affect you, it's really unfortunately never about you. They weren't trying to hurt you intentionally. And yes, we are all responsible for our own decisions and the consequences they carry but try and remember that they share the same organs and vessels as you. And that they too, are riddled with self doubt and insecurities and a lot of times they don't have their shit together on the inside. These people are your yoga teachers, mentors, pastors, best friends, role models, and public figures. They are people too, you know;) Maybe for 2016 we can all show them more compassion and more grace and try and not to be so judgemental.

But perhaps the best lesson 2015 has allowed me to see with even bigger eyes is that regardless of where I live, what possessions I own (or don't own), where I work, whether I'm single or in a relationship--that I have the power and choice to be happy, joyful, and free. Regardless of outside circumstances, I can choose to treat others with respect and dignity or I can choose to be an asshole. Everyday I can choose to feel sorry for myself because I don't have a ring on my finger nor am I waking up for 3am feedings because I'm almost 34 and I don't have a child--or I can choose to be grateful that I can still sleep in and do whatever I want with my time because that responsibility hasn't been given to me yet.

Not letting outside circumstances control my happiness allows me to enjoy this beautiful life and to greet every day as an opportunity to learn more, experience more, and ultimately to be of service to others and a good steward of this earth.

And then of course this brings me to the one-true-universal-absolute-truth of not only 2015 but of every year: that the ONLY constant in this life is change. And so, my precious and beautiful friends-get good at adapting:)

I have no idea what 2016 holds in store for me but I trust that it will be exactly what I need. I will be in the beautiful state of Colorado until April and then after that I will probably venture back south to my people and am hoping to start formulating a plan for incorporating all my yoga trainings with my profession to bring more yoga therapeutics to the table of healthcare.

I want to thank each of you who have cheered me on, encouraged me, and supported me through each new venture that came my way in 2015. I would not be where I am now if it weren't for you and all the love and light and inspiration you have given me to pursue my dreams and explore new uncharted territories. I am grateful for each of you and love you dearly.

My prayer and hope for each of you this coming new year is that you will be happy, healthy, joyful, and free--and that you will continue to pursue your passions and dreams and find immense satisfaction in your lives--both on and off your mat.


From my heart to yours,

"Today we practice beginnings - you are wiser now than you have ever been, and tomorrow you have the privilege of starting the story of a new year of your life. Honor all that had to happen, good or bad, to get you here. What happens next is entirely up to you.
Practice on." 
~Manduka Yoga Company 

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